StoryTellers’ Short Story Collection
The Man in Black
By: Pratibaa Prabhakaran
Behind me was a masked man. Running and running and running. I don’t know who it was. What they wanted. Or anything like that. He looked like Gru from minions.
And that terrified me.
There could only be one Gru. And that Gru was weird as hell. No one could be as good as my boy Gru. I gotta help my homie out. But this weird looking fella was chasing me. And my bravado was lost. I ran out of my house like my father when he realized we had no milk. And I would not look back much like how he did all those years ago.
But than I stopped. Why was I running? Behind me was a loser. A loser pretending that he is a winner. That damn man was impersonating my boy Gru. I had to stick up for my boy.
So I turned around and screamed like how I screamed all those years ago when I realized my dad would not be coming back from the damn grocery store. I threw my hand back and threw it into that idiotic man’s face. Somehow the mask broke and under the mask was a man I never expected to see again.
“Dad?” I asked in shock.
The One
By: Christian Arguinzoni
Joshua had a feeling. A feeling in his being. Someplace in his consciousness, he knew. He knew what Carol was hiding. He knew that Carol was “The One”. And yet . . . they had come all this way; across the vast sea, and into the Reality and out, to steal back what was stolen from them: their dead two-year-old brother.
And now, to know that Carol was The One, the one to kill them all in the end, the one that withheld the Darkness? It was too much to bear. Carol would undo all that they had done over the past year. But he couldn’t start to approach her about it.
Until she did that for him.
“Joshua . . . I can’t hold it in any longer–” she started. “I know, Carol. I know. We can’t . . . I – I just don’t understand why you would hold it in so long. I know the effects of the Darkness, but you never were affected, at least, to my–” Joshua was cut off.
“NEVER AFFECTED?! Seriously, Joshua! Never affected, after the darkness took my parents, my entire family, and you have the audacity to say that I was never affected? How the hell do you think I feel knowing that I hold the Darkness, that it will eventually envelop me, and cause me to kill yo-”
She abruptly stopped. Her brow furrowed, at a slight degree at first, but then more heavily. She began to shake, just a little at first. And then, all at once, she fell to the floor, and started to violently convulse.
“Carol? CAROL!” Joshua said, then shouted. He got down to the floor as fast as he could, desperately yelling, “Carol! CAROL! What’s wrong? I, I, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry Carol I couldn’t help you. Please, tell me what happened, please, please, PLEASE!”
And then she stopped. She lay on the floor for a moment, motionless, eyes open, and then got up.
“Oh my God, Carol, what is going on? What happened?” Joshua half-yelled, mostly in relief. But Carol did not respond. Instead, she just looked at him, blankly. Joshua understood. The Darkness has, at last, taken her.
He had to fight his most primal instincts to help her, and started to run. As fast as he could, before the Darkness began to control her actions. Before it decided it was time for Joshua to die. Carol screamed. An ear-piercing, psychotic scream, and began to run, but stopped.
She set her pack down, and grabbed the long, sharp hunting knife they had packed. She threw the pack down, and started running again, full-speed towards Joshua. Joshua kept on running, running, and to his complete and absolute horror, he realized he was running right toward the Wall. In his attempt to get away from Carol as fast as possible, he hadn’t realized he was running right toward it.
When he approached it, he started to run along its sides, but Carol was getting closer. She screamed again, another ear-piercing scream that had to tear her vocal cords to shreds, and ran even faster.
Joshua was now facing Wall B, and a corridor named “Corridor E – D.E.” He didn’t know what D.E. meant, but this corridor was his only escape. He urged his legs to keep on pushing along, faster, and faster yet, but he knew Carol was too fast for him. But he pushed on.
Then he saw it, and he knew what D.E. meant. The corridor ended in yet another wall, as D.E. meant Dead End. There was no escape now. He put his back against the wall, trying to find a way to get out, but he knew he couldn’t. Carol ran toward him, and then was right in front of him.
It wasn’t the knife she was holding that terrified him, but the look on her face. Completely psychotic. Her eyes were only pupils, her hair everywhere, her brows at an extreme angle, twitching. And the final words Joshua ever heard were hers, fighting against the Darkness, attempting to say: “I. A-Am. SORRY!” But the arm that was holding her knife came back, and then forward as she threw it, her hand releasing it.
She did not miss.
The First March
By: Vida Z, Jacob.B, Sydney C.
“FIRE!!!” screamed the people as they exited the mess hall. They saw the buildings in front of them erupt in flames and they could do nothing but watch in horror as the flames turned into a raging burning inferno.
-transfer to students in the fire building-
Jim drops the match onto the puddle of oil and grins maniacally as he slowly watches the flames burn majestically. He listened to the symphony of his classmates’ exclamations of surprise as they tried to escape the flames. Thick globs of crimson goo coated the floor.
“What are you doing!” helplessly cried Carl he ran through the fire towards Jim. Jim turns to Carl, his face drained of any warmth and walks towards him slowly. A student whose pants were on fire screams and reaches toward him only for Jim to stomp them on their face, causing the student to grimace in pain. Another student came by and dragged said student out to the exit, giving Jim a fearful look before hobbling away.
“Ough you fool, there’s blood on my shoe now” Said Jim with a roll of his eyes.
“You promised me we would start our first fire together!” said Carl as a tear fell down his face.
“The beauty of the fire erupted in my heart and I could not hold it in any longer, I needed to hear the soothing screams of terror,” Jim exclaimed.
“Are you insane? These are innocent people!” Carl shouted across the cries of his fellow classmates, many of whom had finally successfully made it to the exit.
“Pathetic, how could I possibly achieve anything being tether to a promise to leave the innocent unharmed.” said Jim looking down upon Carl. “And to think I actually felt something for you.”
He pushes down Carl and walks out, slamming the old metal doors behind him, he walks out of a building to a nearby alley as the sirens of incoming police cars drown out Carl’s screams of betrayal. Ash filled the sky, and blocked out the sun.
And Jim walked away, far from the reach of any Police Car.
Plantation Boss Betrayal
By: Elaine Nguyen
It was a dark, cloudy, humid, and mild summer night in Florida. You were trying to run away from the plantation, the place you stayed in to serve your boss. You were trying to run to the nearest train station that was part of the train route that led up to Canada.
To serve your boss, you planted and harvested the crops that were grown in the plantation. The crops you grew in the plantation were oranges, key limes, pineapples, and lemons.
“Mariana!” your boss shouted loudly at you. “Why the hell did ya tryna run away from me?! D’you wanna be executed?!”
You screamed very loudly. You wanted to be away from the boss. So you tried to run away once again, but the boss caught you in the nick of time. Then, the boss used the titanium handcuffs she was holding to tie your hands tightly together, so you don’t escape ever again from the plantation.
By: Yabba Dabba Do
My husband proposed to me with a can of Coca Cola. Yeah, it wasn’t really that romantic, but what could I do about it? I wasn’t the one proposing, he was!
Here’s how it went down: We’d been dating for 2 years, and we were probably in our twenties. Neither of us were counting. The days sort of merge together here, especially since everyone on Earth died out. Nobody around that you can really ask for the time.
We were inside a Walgreens. The fridges didn’t work and there was moss and plants poking out of the concrete on the ground. Overturned shopping carts were everywhere and some shelves were tilted over too. We had to look around for food somewhere though, even if I tried to tell him all the food was spoiled. My husband(well, then accomplice that I barely knew) Bob was goofing off, pretending to eat the glowing substance inside the Coca Cola can he held.
“You better not,” was all I said, staring at the weird liquid. Man, Coca Cola wasn’t that glowy before. Probably all that time without being touched. And maybe that moss had done something too…
“We could pull a Romeo and Juliet with this stuff,” Bob said. “Very romantic.” “Nope. We are not eating that.” “Hm, I think there’s something inside of it.” He peeked inside and knelt down on one knee, taking a ring out of his pocket.
“That was not smooth whatsoever,” I said, facepalming.
“What do you mean? I’m charming enough to where it is.”
“Sure. yeah, I guess I’ll marry you,” I gave up.
“Great! Now we can save humanity!”
That’s basically it. I don’t like my husband at all but with nobody on Earth it was kind of impossible not to get married to him. He’s got no brains and thinks he’s a hero, but whatever. Better than being alone.
Table Of Contents
Check out other stories:
The Reviver’s Passage Chapter I
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