StoryTellers’ Short Story Collection: A Character is trying to do a task, but everything is going wrong
Pratibaa Prabhakaran
The great savior of the wizard kingdom was in a bit of a pickle. Bloody and sweating, he held his wand in his right hand.
In front of him was a man in dark robes reaching the floor, the only skin shown on him was the arm holding his wand. the hooded figure pulled his hood down, to reveal a sickly pale face. Eyebrows high and arched, and a cold smirk on his lips.
“My dear GREAT WIZARD of the kingdom,” mocked the Evil Wizard. “I will destroy you and everyone here!”
“Why are you doing this?” said the Great Wizard solemnly. Fires rage around them, the screams of the kingdom’s people around them. “My dear disciple. Why are you killing us.”
The Great Wizard stared at the man that had once been his student. The young boy that he had seen so much potential in years and years ago was no longer present. Instead, in his place was an empty man with an empty heart.
“Why did I betray the kingdom!?” The pale man screeched. “You betrayed me first! You and your people threw me aside as soon as you thought I was of no use to you. You threw me out of your tutelage and your kingdom! Old Master, was it really me who betrayed you, or you that betrayed me.”
The Great Wizard held no answer.
“That was what I thought. And now, I will destroy everything and everyone here. Master, you have failed me, and so now I will destroy everything you have ever loved and cared for.”
The Great Wizard screamed and attempted to raise his arm to stop his old mentee from destroying everything. But his hand froze, bloody and broken, his arm failed to lift. Instead he watched in horror as his former tutee raised his hand.
Wand pointed up to the sky, the Evil Wizard’s sleeve fell down to his shoulder. The Evil Wizard Screamed. He screamed loud. His incantation echoed through the kingdom, heard by the burning, the dying, and the dead alike.
It was as if the world stopped for a second, the people of the kingdom thinking that it was their end. Mothers cradled their children, Fathers calmed their families, and lovers held eachothers’ hands for what they deemed to be the final time.
“RESDUCTROOOOO!” yelled the Evil Wizard. The Great Wizard, now running towards the young man, stopped. The entire kingdom held their breath, expecting so much to happen. But nothing did. The Great Wizard opened his eyes, to stare into stunned expressions of his former student.
“What? What but I don’t understand.. What happened?!” he asked.
He repeated the incantation a couple more times, but nothing came out of his wand.
The Great Wizard pointed his own wand, using his left land, at the Evil Wizard, and said “My dear child…” He sent out a spell, the Evil Wizard fell backwards. But then he got up and started shooting his own spells at the Great Wizard.
“Why couldn’t I do the spell!” The Great Wizard replied to his astonished student
“Because my dear child…. you said the spell incorrectly.”
The Evil Wizard was spell stunned. “What?!”
“You never did pronounce the words correctly.” The Great Wizard pointed his wand towards the Evil Wizard, and once more sent the man flying back. The dark wizard tumbled, dirt kicking in the air. He crashed into a wall and screamed from the impact. But he was on his feet in seconds, sending curses flying to the Great Wizard, who dodged them easily.
The Evil Wizard screamed and screamed as his former master hexed, and jinxed, and attacked him. In a fit of rage, He raised his wand once more to the sky.
“REDCUTSO!” He yelled. Nothing
“REDUCTO!” He yelled once more. Nothing still.
“REDESCTRUCTO!” He yelled for the final time. Still, nothing occured. The Evil Wiazrd fell to his knees, and brought his head to his hands. He screamed and wailed and wailed at his failure.
“How could I have forgotten the spell!?!?!?!?!” he yelled loudly.
“One who wishes evil upon others fail to do what they yearned.” The Great Wizard says, nearing the crest-fallen man. “My student…”
The evil Wizard looked up to see the Great Wizard pointing his wand at his face.
“Do you yield?” Asked the older man. The Evil Wizard sighed and raised his arms, he threw his wand to the side.
“Yes Master…” he said forlornly. “I yield… to think something as simple as forgetting the spell name is what brought my downfall. Shame, shame on me.” The Evil wizard said nothing as he was escorted out by the King’s guards. His face was empty and sorrowful. For such a simple mistake, he ruined himself.
The Great Wizard was sad to see what the boy he considered a son to have become. But fate is a fickle thing, no one knows where or what they will end up. So the Great Wizard turned around and walked off.
Casino Cleanup Fiasco
Elaine Nguyen
One Christmas in Las Vegas, Nevada, a young light brown-haired and fair-skinned girl was trying to clean up the mess on the poker tables.
Her name was Lila, and she was only eighteen years old.
By both Las Vegas and Nevada laws, she can’t be in the casino legally, even if someone was going to accompany her. A foreshadowing sign was coming to target towards her. Lila felt a nervous ping touching her head. She sensed that someone was going to prevent her from cleaning her family’s casino.
Lila needed to do this task, and she had the right to stay in her family’s property. Suddenly, there was a young tan-skinned woman coming towards her. Her name was Lolita, and she wanted to play in the casino. Lolita haven’t gotten the chance to play at a casino in Las Vegas, since she moved from Los Angeles.
Lolita’s imaginary friend, Verda, was also there, who was invisible from the eyes of Lila. Lolita angrily protested,
“Let me play in the casino! Let me play in the casino!”
“NO!” Lila aggressively reacted.
“Get out of this casino! It’s closed!”
Suddenly, the police came to Lila family’s casino, and arrested her. They were able to determine that she was too young to be in the casino, even though the casino was owned by her family. Lolita was kicked out of the casino by the police. She was not to return to the same casino ever again.
Yemi Mengistu
“Almost there, pal” Jimmy says as he shaves his dog Biggie’s torso. His dog was long overdue for a haircut, but he’s been a bit short on pennies nowadays and couldn’t afford to bring him to a professional to cut him. So he figured; why not do it himself?
Jimmy worked at the long strands of fur that were attached to Biggie, he seems to be doing a good job so far. Jimmy smiled to himself, feeling proud of his work. Who needs some dumb pet barber when you got Jimmy himself?
Jimmy then moved on to the head. He didn’t want to shave away too much, he just wanted to give Biggie a fade. After finishing up, Jimmy stepped back to admire his work and-
“Uh oh,” he said. “We gotta go bald.”
Table Of Contents
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The Reviver’s Passage Chapter I
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