StoryTellers’ Short Story Collection: Moral Short Stories
The Mystery of Sir Bartholomew Mittens III
By: Elaine
It was a partly cloudy day at Fairy Tale Planet. A lot of mythical characters were on their travels…..either for errands or for fun. But suddenly, the clouds of the world have turned dark as seconds passed by. Tons of very bright lightning emerge from the very, very dark clouds. Sir Bartholomew Mittens III ran away from his cozy home that was built next to the mountains. He ran away to find his wife, who was missing somewhere in the Fairy Tale Planet.
Pratibaa Pippinpadleoscolopolis was staring outside at her main home window. Outside, it was drizzling sparkling water from the very, very dark clouds. The neighborhood of Rising Phoenix might start to become fancy after the rain.
“Hmm,” Pratibaa thought. “I had a feeling my next door neighbor might not be okay.”
Pratibaa quickly ran to her next- door neighbor’s house. The entrance of the house was flat…..and built with lightly-colored wood. There were clay pots of once colorful and vibrant flowers that used to stand on the light gray stone windowsill. But the flower pots were blown away by the heavy winds in front of her eyes.
“Ughh,” she reacted to the heavy winds. “Why are the winds blowing so hard on me?”
She bravely opened the reddish-brown wooden door. As the door cracked open, a lot of fragile items were knocked to the hardwood floor. She was creating a big mess in Sir Bartholomew Mittens III’s home. This caused Pratibaa to quickly close the door.
“Sir Bartholomew Mittens III?” Pratibaa called her next-door neighbor’s name. “Hello?”
Pratibaa noticed the litter box of Sir Bartholomew Mittens III being empty. She wondered why it was empty. Maybe he ran away as her perception told? If the calico cat ran away, where could he run to? Pratibaa realized she was able to easily open the entrance door, which typically was locked. So it might be the reason Sir Bartholomew Mittens III ran away.
She quickly exited Sir Bartholomew Mittens III’s home. Pratibaa wanted to find the calico cat before she perceived he would be very far away from where she would be. The sparkling water raindrops were becoming acidic as seconds passed by.
In one of the Rising Mountains caves, she spotted Sir Bartholomew Mittens III. The calico cat was sitting on the rocky ground…..with a depressed look on his face. Next to Sir Bartholomew Mittens III was his burned…..and dead wife laying on the burnt rocky ground.
“Sir Bartholomew Mittens III?” Pratibaa called the calico cat’s name once again.
Sir Bartholomew Mittens disappeared into thin air. He left his dead wife behind on the burnt rocky ground. Pratibaa became more exhausted. She just saw the calico cat while standing in the Rising Mountains. But then, he disappeared in front of her eyes. Why did Sir Bartholomew Mittens disappear when Pratibaa encountered him?
“Oh goddamn it!” She murmured. “I just saw Sir Bartholomew Mittens III and now he’s gone!”
Suddenly, Pantalones appeared out of nowhere. They were trying to survive the acidic rain that was happening. In this physical form, Pantalones was Superman.
“Pratibaa, as Sir Bartholomew Mittens III’s next-door neighbor, I was trying to check on him to see if he was okay without anyone seeing me,” Pantalones announced to her. “But the calico cat ran away, so I searched around the environment to find Sir Bartholomew Mittens III, and I found him. He was in this Rising Mountain cave, with Jim trying to successfully burn his wife. And now he might be somewhere else, but probably not on this mountain.”
“But why couldn’t you save Sir Bartholomew Mittens III’s wife when she was alive?” Pratibaa asked.
“I was in the Rising Mountain cave just a second before the cat was burnt to death by Jim,” Pantalones answered.
“Did I hear my name?” Jim appeared with an extremely angry look on his face.
“Pratibaa, stand behind me,” he quietly urged her.
Pratibaa quickly stood behind Pantalones the Superman. She crossed her fingers that she would not be burnt to death by Jim. This might be Pratibaa’s last day being alive before her possible death.
Pantalones the Superman tried to use their extremely bone-chilled ice powers on Jim’s body. However, Jim was very quick to react. He used his extremely hot fire powers to melt the ice surface on his body. This created a little flood in the middle of one of Rising Mountain’s caves. Pratibaa’s black skinny leggings and brown high-heeled boots were starting to become wet from the flood.
“Ugh!” Pratibaa was disgusted to see her black leggings and brown boots being wet. “I don’t want to see and feel my black leggings and brown boots being wet! I hate being wet and messy!”
Pratibaa ran away from Jim and Pantalones the Superman to exit Rising Mountain. She didn’t want to see and feel the entirety of herself being wet. Already, her legs and feet were wet due to the pair of black skinny leggings and brown high-heeled boots being not waterproof enough.
“Sir Bartholomew Mittens III!” She called loudly into the very acidic rain. “Where are you now?!?!”
The acidic rain drops fell onto Pratibaa’s pink sleeveless top. Her sleeveless top was starting to become ruined and messy. Pratibaa even hated to see her clothing becoming messier and more ruined.
“Oh goddamn it!” Pratibaa became angry to see her ruined pink sleeveless top. She quickly and quietly regretted, “I should’ve stayed inside the Rising Mountain cave.”
She ran back to the Rising Mountain cave as quickly as she could. Inside the mountain cave was a flood that once expanded. Sir Batholomew Mittens III’s wife was starting to drown in the flood. Pantalones was invisible as Sir Bartholomew Mittens III. Jim was hidden somewhere in the Rising Mountain cave, trying to stay away from the flood.
“Pantalones, where are you?!” Pratibaa loudly called into the Rising Mountain Cave.
Suddenly, Pantalones reappeared behind Pratibaa. They shapeshifted into a humongous eagle. Pantalones was ready to take her out of the Rising Mountain cave.
“Pratibaa!” Pantalones urged. “Ride on my body before I sense the cave will collapse soon!”
Pratibaa gently hopped onto the eagle’s body. The eagle’s body felt heavy and durable at the same time. She hoped the eagle would be able to take her home safely since she had nowhere else safe to stand on.
Pantalones quickly flew out of Rising Mountain. The raindrops started to become less acidic as seconds passed by since Jim quietly surrendered. Still, Pratibaa’s pink sleeveless top became more slowly ruined by the acidic raindrops. She might as well donate the ruined pink sleeveless top to charity soon.
Pratibaa arrived at her home safely. But she wanted to visit Sir Bartholomew Mittens III’s home to see if her neighbor was there physically. Before she visited her next-door neighbor’s home, she thanked Pantalones for the ride from Rising Mountain to her home.
Pratibaa opened the entrance door to Sir Bartholomew III’s home. Inside the home was Sir Bartholomew III laying down on his litter box. He reappeared after the attack between Pantalones and Jim had ended. Still, the calico cat was depressed from the death of his wife.
“Sir Bartholomew III, you’re back!” Pratibaa smiled at the depressed calico cat.
“Come here, Pratibaa,” Sir Bartholomew III gestured to her.
Pratibaa quickly shut her next-door neighbor’s entrance door. She quickly ran to Sir Bartholomew III’s litter box. Pratibaa carefully sat down on the hardwood floor, with her legs crossed with each other.
“As you can see, I’m depressed now,” he said. “My wife died from burning…..” Sir Bartholomew III sighed. “…..and I disappeared because of it.”
“I know, Pantalones told me about it,” Pratibaa slightly nodded. “He also said that you were probably somewhere else, but probably not in the Rising Mountains.”
“I was traveling back home after I disappeared,” Sir Bartholomew III corrected. “And now, I’m the only cat at my house.” He sighed once again. “No other cat is with me now.” Sir Bartholomew III frowned even more. “My wife didn’t even get to make a single child before she died. Now I have to find another cat to marry and get my first child.”
“Why don’t you come to my house tomorrow?” Pratibaa offered. “We can go to downtown Mythical Village, and find the perfect cat for you to date with. Then, you’ll ultimately marry that cat.”
Sir Bartholomew III smiled. “That’s a great idea, Pratibaa! Let’s do it tomorrow!”
Pratibaa exited her next-door neighbor’s house. It was no longer raining outside, with the appearance of the rainbow. She thought of the moment Sir Bartholomew III reappeared…..and no longer became a mystery to her and Pantalones. Pratibaa also thought about finding a cat for Sir Bartholomew III to date and marry with. It was quite a happy ending! Though, there are morals to learn. One moral in the story is to think very critically before doing the action.
Table Of Contents
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